Living where I do a heat pump is the best possible system, however with a heat pump system you get both heating plus cooling in a single unit, the equipment works by moving heat energy either inside or outside of the home, however it acts as an air conditioner in the summer time by moving air through coolant. The reverse happens in heating mode, however you don’t need to burn plus churn fuel. You don’t need to install HVAC duct, but all it takes is an outdoor air compressor plus several mounted indoor air handlers. The devices are installed on exterior walls plus wiring plus refrigerant tubes are fed to the outdoor unit. The way a heat pump provides climate control is quite efficient. It is also clean plus environmentally friendly. In fact, it is recognized to be so beneficial that the government offers tax benefits when you rely on a heat pump system. The only con is that the heating mode struggles to be effective in uneven temperatures below forty degrees. At this point there is simply no heat energy to locate plus transport indoors. In colder climates people rely on dual fuel or hybrid heaters which combine a heat pump plus a boiler. The heat pump works most of the year plus the boiler tags in when the uneven temperatures drop. Thankfully where I am at I can just get with a heat pump system. After a few months of use the heat pump hastily pays back itself. I feel it is the most cost effective heating plus a/c on the market at this point.
Michigan heat pumps
![Heat pump is ideal for several reasons](